Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Peraturan n Syaratnya :

1- Thank & link the person that gave you the award.

Maceh atak emme sbb tag me for this beautiful blogger award.. ape la sgt blog ni. huhuhu... nant ade ms me ubah kasi lawo2 lg.. hehe..

2- Pass this award onto 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think are fantastic.

15?? bapaknye byk.. sape2 lawat sini.. me bmurah ati kasi award ni kat sume.. yeahh...

3- Contact said blogs and let them know they've won the award.

Korg la contact me kat chatbox tu.. hehe.. >_< bleh tak gitu? huhuhu...

4- State 7 thing about yourself.

- Sukar utk senyum.. (ade org kate me sombong, btol kah?)
- Tetap bertahan menantkn bulan
- DEGIL!!!! KETEGAQ!!!! BEGAR!!! (huhuhuuhu)
- Suka memendam rasa
- Hobi suka tdo + karaoke
- Manja, penyayang, suka budak
- Suka Mgeget!!!!!

peace (^.^)_v

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